It is today that we create the world of the future.
Iris is a ‘learning organization’ well equipped with latest technology which provides quality education while adhering to the technological advancements and latest research which will go a long way in influencing the all round development of students.
Albert Einstein says “Try not to become a man of success but rather a man of values.” But these values need to be inculcated from the early years of schooling in a stress free environment. Such stress free and free flowing environment is provided at Iris for both students as well as staff.
We provide a safe, supportive and stimulating environment for all students which motivates and challenges them for intellectual, physical, emotional, social and vocational development in order that each student develops towards an ideal educated person achieving at a level of personal excellence and formulating attitudes towards self, society and the world which will provide sound preparation for a productive and satisfying life.
With all the parameters of quality education fully catered for in the school coupled with our firm belief that all the children have equal potentials, each child will be encouraged to deal with complexities with earnest zeal, zest, enthusiasm & exuberance.
To facilitate our students to go in for the higher education in International Institutions, we have plans to affiliate to the globally preferred & widely accepted International Baccalaureate.