Extra – Curricular Activities
Mind, body & soul are the three main dimensions of a human being.
- Yoga & meditation helps children to sharpen their mind, increase their concentration level & maintain sound bodies.
- Yoga helps to instill confidence & to bring learning to children on an experiential level. It teaches them to persevere, be patient & work towards their goals.
- Students practice various asanas & meditation techniques regularly at school.
- Sports develop the physical as well as mental strength in students. Daily physical exercise is essential for students as it not only helps student to stay healthy, but it also helps to improve their emotional fitness. Students have to participate in school sports to increase confidence, mental alertness & self – esteem. Sports inculcate skills like leadership, patience, team efforts, etc among the students.
- Our sports ground include a dedicated football field, hand ball & basket ball courts, kho-kho, badminton etc. The indoor sports facility is provided for chess, carrom etc.
To nurture children creativity & develop aesthetic sense among students drama, art & music play significant role to enhance learning of the students.
- At Iris, we try to hone the prolific side of the students by integrating the same with academics to make them meaningful, appropriate & activity based learning.
- To sharpen sensibilities, channelise their energy & ignite interest in various co-curricular activities, facilities are provided for :
Art & Craft
Instrumental music
Indian/Western music
Clay – moldings … etc.
It is an established fact that learning transcends into an effective experience when facts are etched in our mental frame through real life situations. We believe that such exposure to real life environment through excursions & field trips adds to holistic & comprehensive learning in pursuance of the methodology of learning by doing. The children are exposed to camping & coping with life skills, thus making them self sufficient & adventurous. School trips are carefully chosen keeping in mind the age of the children & theme or topic for the month. These are appropriately woven into the school curriculum, thereby combining learning with the outings.